Best Personal Injury Lawyers Near You in 2024

A personal injury can turn your life upside down. Get the settlement you deserve with the best accident & injury lawyers near you. To begin, choose any of the personal injury law firms below and request your 100% free legal consultation.

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Best Accident & Injury Attorneys

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We believe everyone should be able to hire a great lawyer with confidence. And while our site doesn’t assess or review every lawyer and law firm, we’re proud that the guidance we offer, the information we provide, and the tools we create are objective, independent, straightforward — and free.

So how do we make money? Our partners compensate us. This may influence which attorneys and law firms we review and write about (and where those lawyers and law firms appear on our site), but it in no way affects our recommendations or advice, which are grounded in hundreds of hours of sound research. Our partners cannot pay to guarantee favorable reviews of their services.

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3,392 client reviews
  • Morgan & Morgan was an easy choice for our #1 pick. Widely recognized as the Best Personal Injury Law Firm in the country.
  • M&M became the biggest personal injury firm in the country for a good reason. They focus on what clients care about most - getting maximum compensation for their injuries.
  • They demonstrate incredible persistence in refusing to settle accident and injury cases for less than top dollar. In fact, they bring more cases to trial than any other law firm in the country.
  • This is the law firm no defendant wants to face off against. They've secured a staggering $15 Billion+ in jury verdicts and settlements. You want them on your side.
  • Their list of awards, achievements and honors goes on and on. Is there something they haven't won?
  • They offer Free Consultations 24x7. Call (866) 549-2161. Convenient locations near you, and virtual appointments available.


Accident Attorney Reviews

Leigh B.

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Morgan & Morgan has made this process as pain free as possible so far. I feel heard and valued. It feels good to know that Morgan & Morgan has my back (literally)…

Pattie R.

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Everyone has been caring, pleasant, professional, & stayed on top of everything. I would definitely use Morgan & Morgan again.

Donald R.

verified client

Sometimes you may feel overwhelmed or afraid and that can make someone not want to call an attorney. But with them they take the hard work for you and make it easy and make you feel comfortable.


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    1,392 client reviews
    • Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys have recovered over $1 billion in settlements for more than 100,000 satisfied clients.
    • Their attorneys are battle-tested with trial and complex litigation experience. They know how to win, and they’re here to take care of you every step of the way.
    • Offices nationwide, 500+ lawyers and staff, decades of combined experience in the legal field.
    • They operate across over 40 legal fields, including personal injury and mass torts, showcasing their capacity to handle diverse legal challenges effectively.
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    • No Win, No Fee. Free Consultations 24x7. Call (866) 725-4582.


    Personal Injury Attorney Reviews

    Donald K.

    verified client

    I would strongly recommend anyone in need of prompt, professional, aggressive, and knowledgeable representation to contact Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys. They worked hard to bring my case to a successful conclusion. Thanks!

    Drew F.

    verified client

    Outstanding services, quality work and great company to deal with. I walked in and felt like it was a family environment. You can tell everyone genuinely cares. Outstanding firm and service definitely a 5 star quality company!

    Ace J.

    verified client

    Attorney Shunnarah thank you for your help! Not only did he handle my case with the utmost class and care, he really does try and make that personal connection and really gives you so much closure that everything will work out. Attorney Shunnarah and his staff are incredibly nice and attentive. I could not ask for a better experience!


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    Brandon Bishop



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      Did you know?

      From slip and falls to car accidents, over 31 million people in the US seek medical attention annually due to accidents and personal injuries. These unforeseen events can lead to significant medical bills, lost wages, and long-term rehabilitation. Navigating through the intricacies of personal injury law can be challenging, but all of the law firms listed on this page are here to help and offer free, no obligation consultations to shed light on your rights and the best course of action for you.

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      71 client reviews
      • National law firm representing clients in all 50 states; contingency fee basis
      • More than 40 years of proven success
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      • Focuses on auto accidents, trucking accidents, motorcycle accidents, wrongful deaths, mesothelioma, brain injuries, and other personal injury claims
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      Questions & Answers About Accident & Injury Claims

      What types of cases do personal injury law firms handle?

      Personal injury law firms handle a wide range of cases where individuals have been harmed due to the negligence or wrongdoing of others. Here are some of the most common types of cases they manage:

      Motor Vehicle Accidents: This includes car accidents, truck, motorcycle, and other vehicle accidents where drivers, passengers, or pedestrians might be injured.

      Slip and Fall: Also known as premises liability cases, these involve injuries that occur due to unsafe conditions on someone's property.

      Product Liability: These cases involve injuries caused by defective or dangerous products. Manufacturers, distributors, or retailers can be held responsible.

      Workplace Injuries: While many of these are covered by workers' compensation insurance, there are circumstances where an injured worker can sue outside of the workers' comp system.

      Dog Bites and Animal Attacks: Owners can be held responsible if their animals cause harm to others.

      Wrongful Death: Claims made by family members when a loved one dies due to the negligence or misconduct of another.

      Assault and Battery: While these are also criminal cases, victims can sue for damages in civil court as well.

      Toxic Torts: Cases involving harm caused by exposure to toxic substances, like asbestos or hazardous waste.

      Birth Injuries: Injuries to a baby or mother during childbirth due to medical negligence.

      Pedestrian Accidents: When someone walking gets injured by a vehicle or due to property hazards.

      Recreational Accidents: Injuries sustained during recreational activities, such as boating, biking, or using playground equipment.

      These are just some of the more common types of personal injury cases. The underlying principle in all these cases is that someone was harmed due to the negligence or intentional act of another, and they may be entitled to compensation for their injuries.

      What types of damages can an injury lawyer help me get compensation for?

      In personal injury cases, damages refer to the monetary compensation an injured party can recover due to the negligence or intentional act of another party. A personal injury law firm can help victims secure various types of damages, depending on the specifics of the case. Here are some of the primary types of damages they can help you obtain compensation for:

      Medical Expenses: Compensation for current and future medical bills resulting from the injury, including hospital stays, surgeries, medications, physical therapy, and any other necessary treatments.

      Lost Wages: Compensation for income you've lost while recovering from your injury and potential future earnings if you're unable to return to work or if your earning capacity is diminished due to the injury.

      Pain and Suffering: Compensation for the physical pain and emotional distress you've endured because of the injury. This can include anxiety, depression, loss of enjoyment of life, insomnia, and other related issues.

      Loss of Consortium: Compensation for the negative effects the injuries have on a victim's relationship with their spouse or partner. This can refer to a loss of companionship or the inability to maintain a sexual relationship, for instance.

      Property Damage: Compensation for damages to or loss of personal property as a result of the incident, such as a car in a vehicular accident.

      Punitive Damages: These are intended to punish the defendant for particularly egregious or malicious conduct and to deter similar behavior in the future. Not all cases will qualify for punitive damages.

      Rehabilitation Costs: Compensation for physical and occupational therapy and other treatments to help the victim regain physical skills or adapt to a new way of living after a serious injury.

      Loss of Enjoyment: Compensation for the inability to enjoy day-to-day activities and hobbies that you could partake in before the injury.

      Emotional Distress: Compensation for psychological impacts following an injury, such as PTSD, anxiety, or depression.

      Wrongful Death Damages: If the injury resulted in death, surviving family members might seek compensation for funeral expenses, loss of financial support, and emotional suffering.

      Permanent Disability or Disfigurement: Compensation if the injury permanently affects or alters your appearance or capabilities.

      It's essential to consult with a personal injury attorney who can assess your situation and guide you on the specific types of damages you might be entitled to. They can also help quantify these damages, ensuring that you pursue the full compensation you deserve.

      How long do I have after an injury to file a lawsuit?

      Statutes of limitations vary depending on the jurisdiction in which you live and where the accident occurred. We strongly recommend consulting with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after your accident to ensure that it is not too late to file an injury claim.

      What is the average settlement for a personal injury claim?

      Determining an "average" settlement for a personal injury claim can be challenging because of the vast range of cases and variables involved. Factors influencing settlement amounts include the severity of the injury, the clarity of fault, the jurisdiction in which the claim is made, the defendant's assets or insurance policy limits, and the ability of the injured party's attorney.

      However, here are some very general guidelines:

      Minor Injuries: For soft tissue injuries like minor whiplash or sprains, settlements often range from $1,000 to $10,000. These figures largely cover medical bills and minimal lost wages.

      Moderate Injuries: For injuries that require more substantial medical treatment, or which result in a more prolonged recovery period, settlements can range from $10,000 to $50,000. This includes broken bones, herniated discs, or injuries that might have lasting effects but don't cause permanent disability.

      Severe Injuries: In cases involving significant long-term or permanent injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries or spinal cord damages, settlements can range from $50,000 to several million dollars. Factors such as the need for ongoing care, loss of future earnings, pain and suffering, and the impact on the victim's quality of life can drive up the settlement value.

      Fatalities: Wrongful death claims can result in very high settlements or jury awards, often reaching into the millions. The amount can depend on factors like the age of the deceased, their earning potential, the circumstances of the death, and the emotional trauma for the surviving family members.

      Punitive Damages: In cases where the defendant's conduct was particularly egregious or malicious, the court might award punitive damages, which are designed to punish the defendant and deter similar behavior. These damages can significantly increase the total compensation.

      Insurance Policy Limits: The defendant's insurance policy limit can act as a cap on the settlement amount, especially if the defendant doesn't have personal assets to cover a judgment exceeding that limit.

      It's important to note that these are broad generalizations, and each case is unique. Local trends, specific circumstances of the injury, the skill of the attorney, negotiation dynamics, and many other factors can influence the final settlement amount.

      Anyone considering a personal injury claim should consult with an attorney who can provide guidance tailored to their specific situation.

      How long do most personal injury cases take?

      The duration of a personal injury case can vary widely based on several factors. Generally, personal injury cases can take anywhere from a few months to several years to resolve. Here's a breakdown of factors that influence the timeline:

      Complexity of the Case: More straightforward cases, like rear-end car accidents with clear liability, may settle quickly. However, cases with disputed liability, multiple parties involved, or complex injuries can take longer.

      Severity of the Injuries: Cases involving severe or long-term injuries might take longer because it's crucial to understand the full extent of the injuries and the long-term implications before settling.

      Medical Treatment Duration: It's often advised to wait until the injured party reaches "maximum medical improvement" (MMI) before settling. MMI is the point at which one's condition has stabilized, and no major medical improvement is expected. Waiting ensures that all medical costs are accounted for in the claim.

      Insurance Company Tactics: Some insurance companies might offer a quick settlement, while others may delay or dispute the claim, requiring additional negotiations or even litigation.

      Legal Processes: If a lawsuit needs to be filed, the case can be prolonged. Pre-trial processes, including discovery, motions, and sometimes even the court's schedule, can extend the timeline.

      Willingness to Settle: Both parties' willingness to negotiate and settle can impact the duration. If both sides are eager to avoid trial and are willing to compromise, a settlement can be reached faster.

      Going to Trial: While a majority of personal injury cases settle before reaching trial, if a case does go to court, it can add considerable time to the resolution, especially if there are appeals.

      Jurisdiction: The court's backlog and efficiency in a particular jurisdiction can play a role. Some courts may have a faster turnaround time than others.

      Negotiation Delays: Sometimes, delays might occur during the negotiation phase, especially if there are disputes about the facts, conflicting evidence, or disagreements about the value of the claim.

      Given these variables, while some personal injury cases might settle within a few months, others, especially those that proceed to trial, can take several years. It's always a good idea to consult with a personal injury attorney early on to get a more accurate estimation based on the specifics of your case.

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      How We Choose Our Top 5 Injury Lawyers

      When you need to hire the best personal injury and accident lawyers, don't trust just anyone - Elite Litigators has your back. Our rigorous research process involves sifting through thousands of attorney and law firm profiles in all areas of injury law, including car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, slip & fall accidents, wrongful deaths, dog bites, pedestrian accidents and more, to help you find the most qualified personal injury lawyers for your claim.


      Identify Potential Injury Attorneys

      Looking for the best of the best? Our mission is rooted in the commitment to systematically identify stellar personal injury lawyers and law firms for your claim. Our proprietary selection process, unparalleled in its depth and precision, is the outcome of an exhaustive assessment of hundreds of thousands of attorney records. We highlight the best accident lawyers with standout experience and qualifications, commendable honors, and consistently outstanding client testimonials.


      Evaluate for Professionalism

      Personal injury attorneys are evaluated on the full breadth of their professional accomplishments, from years in practice to recognition among peers, client reviews, leadership positions, academic achievements, publications & lectures, in legal areas including auto and car accidents, truck accidents, slip & fall accidents, wrongful deaths, pedestrian accidents, dog bites and more. We find outstanding and the best personal injury attorneys dedicated to providing top-notch legal representation for your legal claim.


      Select Outstanding Injury Lawyers

      After thoroughly assessing the qualifications, experience, and reviews of the best personal injury lawyers in the US, our Expert Litigators list is created. Only a small percentage of all accident attorneys make the list, helping ensure you get world-class legal service. Whether you're looking for the best car accident lawyer, slip & fall lawyer, truck accident attorney, wrongful death attorney, pedestrian or motorcycle accident attorney, or other injury claim, Elite Litigators has the right fit for your case.

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