The Dauti Law Firm, P.C. Profile & Reviews

Law Firm in New York, New York
6 clients reviews
39 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10006
Accidents Personal Injury Bus Accidents
This might sound like a tv comercial but the The Dauti Law Firm changed my life and helped me when I was more vulnerable in 2017 when I had my family visiting me and the day after they arrived, I was stroke by truck while I was waiting for the light to change in the middle of the day. Not knowing who to go to or trusting in that matter a good friend of mine recommended him to me and right there was Mr Dauti all the way trough getting the right results not only he won the case but most important he was very supportive during the whole time to me he’s more than a law firm he’s a true gentleman that take pride for what he does and I will never forget his kindness I recommend him and his team work at 馃挴 thank you Mr Dauti !! Hola esto de pronto sonar谩 como un comercial pero la verdad no es as铆 en el a帽o 2017 luego de un accidente de tr谩fico, cuando estaba a la espera de que la luz cambiara fui golpeado por un cami贸n en la parte trasera de mi veh铆culo y para complicar m谩s la situaci贸n mi familia hab铆a llegado de visita un d铆a antes, sin saber a qui茅n recurrir en un momento tan complicado un buen amigo me recomend贸 a el abogado Albert Dauti de la firma the Dauti law firm, quien despu茅s de asegurarse de que estaba fuera de peligro me ofreci贸 entrevistarnos y de igual forma me ofreci贸 transporte para la acomodaci贸n sin ning煤n compromiso, ah铆 empez贸 a elaborar el caso de principio a fin y siempre con honestidad y todo de frente hasta que gan贸 el caso gracias a 茅l me retir茅 a una edad bastante joven, adem谩s de apoyarme durante la duraci贸n de el caso siempre fue de gran apoyo moral se los recomiendo al 馃挴 es un gran profesional y un gran caballero eternamente agradecido!!!
Lawyer Dauti is extremely professional and hard working. Always available. Is an expert at what it does he completely changed out life. Thank you, Dr. Dauti. Seriously a lawyer to consider. Couldn’t find a better lawyer yet.
I was treated with respect and care. Very thorough and diligent to get my case satisfied, Did right by me. I definitely recommend with complete confidence.