Smolich and Smolich Profile & Reviews

Law Firm in Sacramento, California
54 clients reviews
3200 J St, Sacramento, CA 95816
Personal Injury Litigation Social Security Disability
When I first became disabled I’d heard all the horror stories about disability. But I figured I could do it on my own. About 20 minutes into just the application I realized I was wrong, that’s when I called Smolich & Smolich. Having read that it typically took 21 months on average I knew I was in for a wait. In less than 90 days they had gotten my approval and I had the back pay in my account. I would recommend Smolich & Smolich to anyone dealing with disability, they handled my claim so quickly people didn’t believe I had already gotten my award.
Good direction. Good attorney
So far so good. Next is my wife’s appeal and we will go from there. They were the only firm that returned our call and offered to help. Impressed so far.