Scardina Law, LLC Profile & Reviews

Law Firm in Denver, Colorado
40 clients reviews
501 S Cherry St Ste 1100, Denver, CO 80246
Accidents Personal Injury Bicycle Accidents
This firm is everything that is wrong with Law practices in America. Please know this is the infamous firm who is purposely targeted Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop for refusing to provide goods and services that express messages that run contrary to Jack’s religious beliefs. In fact, the U.S. Surpreme court overwhelmingly supported religious freedom with a 7-2 decision in support of Jack Phillips right to refuse goods and services if it ran counter to his religious beliefs. On the exact day of the Surpreme court decision (June 26th) a partner from this law firm (Autumn Scardina) called Jack Phillips and asked for a cake celebrating Transgender. When he refused this firm brought suit via the so-called Civil Rights commission of Denver to levy penalties once again against Mr. Phillips. This deliberate & dishonorable act was to target again Mr. Phillips simply for his personal beliefs… said another way- “Thought Policing”. Law firms like this one, despicable human beings like Autum Scardina, and organizations like the Denver Civil Rights Commission need to be resoundingly stamped out!! Make no mistake they will gladly use the power of the state to police and punish people who they disagree with as evidenced above. DO NOT SUPPORT THIS FIRM OR THIER ABHORRENT BEHAVIOR TOWARDS PRIVATE CITIZENS.
Law firm that allows their process servers to steal your packages to pretend to deliver them for service. Shady way of doing business!
This law firm is anti freedom and pro hate. Autumn Scardina is a malicious and hateful individual that believes anyone who holds differing views from her must be forced into compliance. This “lawyer” is a disgrace to the freedoms and justice our American nation were founded upon. Nothing but slander, hate, and malice spewing from this “lawyer.”