Rolfes Henry Co., LPA Profile & Reviews

Law Firm in Cincinnati, Ohio
2 clients reviews
1170, 600 Vine St # 2600, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Accidents Personal Injury Bodily Injuries
Decent guys on a personal level, but this Review is about the Professional Legal Services that I paid for. Pros: Aggressive in the first two days. Cons: Lacks communication, Lacks follow through, Lacks Aggressive Representation, Lacks Thorough Legal Counsel, Uses Deceptive Tactics Against Their Own Clients (as I was ambushed in their office with video that actually helped my case)… I was not impressed with the representation that I received from this firm. Although the attorney stated to me at the end, You should have never have been charged, he did little to nothing in showing that in the Courtroom, to the Prosecutor, or even to the Judge. The attorney spent more time trying to convince me to plead Guilty without being able to show me what law I broke. As one attorney expressed to me that the Judge pointed out Show me the Crime, and no one was able to. In one breath the attorney stated The Judge asked what Defense Strategy I planned on using, and when I told her, she shook her head No… Two weeks later, I inquired about the Defense Strategy, and the attorney stated The Judge has not rendered a decision on that…. There were several instances like this, but it is always excused away by That must have been an misunderstanding or miscommunication. In the Motion To Suppress Hearing, the attorney was told by the Judge, The statute you used to justify the Request To Suppress actually supports your Motion to be Denied.. The attorney had no idea what he was doing. I sent repeated emails, texts, and left messages. However, my correspondence was rarely returned, even though I paid the agreed retainer on time, in full, and was completed early. I received a return call after weeks of waiting. The call I received was from an attorney that wasn’t involved in the case. The attorney apologized on behalf of the representing attorney for not receiving the Aggressive representation that I paid for. It has been 120 days since the Sentencing Hearing, and I still have not received the Judge’s written details in the order she imposed. The Sentencing is 30 Days over, and still no communication from anyone in this firm. Due to not getting the Order In Writing from the Judge, my career has been destroyed, my livelihood taken from me, and no word from anyone at this firm. If you want to get Hosed in Court; hire this firm.
Great lawyer