Price Benowitz LLP Profile & Reviews

Law Firm in Rockville, Maryland
185 clients reviews
110 N Washington St Suite 206, Rockville, MD 20850
Accidents Personal Injury Medical Malpractice
Bottom of the barrel attorneys. The kind that are unable to get a job anywhere else. When it comes to legal matters, this is not who you want representing you. You definetely do not want Price Benowitz representing you no matter what the matter involves. They are rude, do not return phone calls, do not communicate, are not good attorneys and think they are Holy Highnesses–lol. THey looked and acted like slobs. My attorney ate a big, stinky hoagie at our plantiff’s table and stunk up the entire court room. Top tie button would not button because of the lawyers enlarged neck. His suit looked like it was his only one and from the early 80’s. When the judge returned from lunch he waved his hand in front of his face and asked what is that smell. The oil and vinegar got all over the court documents and leaked through to the table. I am not making this up, he burped and I had to ask for a break to gag and get some towels from the restroom which only had hand dryers so I ended up cleaning up his mess with toilet paper. He acted over confident but was not prepared for court. He continued to make (I think they call them procedural) mistakes and was on the judge’s last nerve. To say I was embarrassed is the under statement of the century. He wore the same suit the next day that resembled, guess what? An italian hoagie. He had oil from the previous days lunch on his collar. Not only did I want to crawl under the table on many, many occasions, the opposing defendant and defense looked over at both of us every time he made a mistake and smirked at us. That started when he walked into court the second day looking like he had slept in his car. I was humiliated to have to do this but pulled him aside at the table, (I am very sensitive as I would imagine many of you are to pungent foul odors and start gagging myself). His breath was so horrible and offensive. I won’t mention hsi name other than the sorry firm of Price Benowitz. In my and your book Benowitz should mean something to you, like this firm is been-o-witz. Being empathetic, I had to ask him if everything was OK with him? He was an arrogant, low class Better Call Saul type who did not appreciate my empathy and bragged about how good he was. I could not have lost worst in this case. They are very, very expensive too. They took my money, picked up some bum, assigned him to my case and ran. Trust me when I share here that you should not just walk but RUN, like a deranged bear was chasing you and you had hoagie sandwiches strapped to you–run that fast. These people are horrible.
Excellent. I Highly recommend.
Karin Porter is an absolute professional…thorough, patient, compassionate but straightforward. Be confident in your choice if you go with her. It was one of the lowest points of my life but she helped me through it. I cannot thank her enough.