McElligott Ewan & Hall PC Profile & Reviews

Law Firm in Independence, Missouri
14 clients reviews
233 W Walnut St, Independence, MO 64050
Accidents Personal Injury Bus Accidents
If you get Veit be prepared for your child not to matter. She doesn’t care about kids. Feels sympathy for one side or the other and sticks to that decision no matter what. Meets with a kid once and deems she knows how she/he feels. She is ruining people’s lives and her parenting plans are awful. Just accept defeat as soon as you see/hear her name. Your child will always lose with her.
Paying for something I never went to court on just shows you rite there smh hate it !!
Depending on who you go with, your results will vary. In my experience, Viet was the worst of the lot. Her work is biased and lazy. She says she will investigate things only to give the illusion of actually doing anything. As a GAL, she will favor one party and once she’s made that decision, no matter what else comes to light, she sticks with it and ruins families. Stay as far away from this firm as possible. If they employee one lazy, biased lawyer, they employee more. God help anyone who has to deal with Viet as a GAL.