Lonowski Kathryn S Profile & Reviews

Law Firm in Fort Collins, Colorado
15 clients reviews
323 S College Ave # 3, Fort Collins, CO 80524
Accidents Personal Injury Construction Accidents
Kathryn was my ex wives attorney for us to figure out our child care and expenses. I’m not leaving a review of how she treated my case, which she tried to sneak many things through before I even realized it and thus nearly locked me out of a fair chance, but more to report on how she treats her own client and other attorneys. On several occasions, Kathryn’s advice to my ex caused massive contention in a relationship that wasn’t. She essentially worked at driving a wedge between us. My ex was guilted, shamed, and called me in tears, feeling terribly about the way Kathryn had talked to her about our past. I don’t deal with legal stuff much, and Kathryn used that happily against me to try and win an unwinnable case. I spoke with several (9 to be exact) of her peers in the area, all of whom had a negative opinion of her, personally and professionally. She made this process difficult on all parties involved, used what I would categorize as unethical practices, and all in all? Was extremely unprofessional, insulting, belittling and just not a good person to even talk to. I had a phone meeting with her one time, and it seemed the Kathryn is set on making the process for everyone involved as difficult as possible. In the end, after they had taken payment from my ex, she had tried contacting the office to ask a couple questions about a process she didn’t understand. She was told not to contact the office anymore, that the case was closed, and she needed to figure it out for herself. There’s several attorneys in this area, you’ve been warned about this one
My interactions with Katherine was negative. My issues were dismissed and I was belittled by her.
Would love to share details of my experience with this attorney. Somehow my reviews keep getting deleted.