Law Works LLC Profile & Reviews

Law Firm in Albuquerque, New Mexico
6 clients reviews
620 Roma Ave NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Personal Injury Employment Law Litigation
Doctors, Mechanics, Book keepers and of course Lawyers. Very difficult to find a ethical, trustworthy, honest, hard working professional Lawyer that wants to and try to help and is honest when he can’t so you don’t waste money. The Lawyer I call whenever I need anything legal wise. ANYTHING.
This is wrong location by the way so if your thinking of going try to call that’s if he answers which he never does his voice mail is full shows you how much he cares about his clients lazy ads lawyer my friend went to jail and stayed a week on a hold because failure of putting a motion for dissmisal that was supposed to be done six months ago and we still are waiting for if to be dismissed
Great company