Kennerly, Montgomery & Finley P.C. Profile & Reviews

Law Firm in Knoxville, Tennessee
12 clients reviews
550 W. Main Street Fourth Floor, Knoxville, TN 37902
Accidents Personal Injury Construction Accidents
I hired Richie Brabham to handle an estate matter. I honestly wish I hadn’t. My realtor and I had asked Richie for a power of attorney from the beginning because I have 6 siblings. It would have made things a lot easier. However, he never provided one but charged me for the calls where he states it was me calling for a power of attorney. I had to collect 6 signatures for every document I needed signed which was a hassle. I would have to email him multiple times when I had questions. In some cases he never responded and I had to figure it out myself⮮.but he would charge me for responding to emails. I have had attorneys that were worth every penny. That’s not Richie Brabham.
Richie Brabham and his team are phenomenal. Very professional and kept us informed every step of the way. Highly recommend.