Jubelirer, Pass & Intrieri, P.C. Profile & Reviews

Law Firm in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
15 clients reviews
219 Fort Pitt Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Accidents Personal Injury Car Accidents
Highly skilled law practice.
Best attorneys in town
I bet you never thought “decent human being” and lawyer could reside in the same person, but JPI seems to have found them! I temped for them as a legal assistant in early 1998. I wasn’t a regular employee or a client (well, we’ll get to that), yet I was always treated like I was one of the gang. I was included in their Friday night outings after work, and spoken to like an equal. Mr. Pass, for being a name partner, is so down-to-earth – I’ve worked in D.C. law firms with junior associates who treated me with less respect – and I had more seniority than them! Despite working hard, I had a big drop in income from what I had been used to and needed, so JPI helped me file for bankruptcy and even represented me – and they didn’t ask for a dime over the filing fees. All Mr. Pass wanted was to see me get to a better place in life. We stayed in touch as I left Pennsylvania to make that happen. Nearly 25 years later, as I write this, I can still call and ask his advice and chat with him, if he’s not busy. How many people do you meet in a lifetime who are genuinely good people, who are good at what they do? How many of those people are lawyers? I mean, I can tell stories about lawyers I’ve worked with and how mercenary they are even in their private lives. The profession seems to attract that type. The law firm of JPI turns the idea of the stereotypical lawyer on its head. They’re good people out to do good. It’s like they never lost the idealism that drove them to go to law school. This should be the ideal boutique law firm.