Hallie Ambriz, Attorney at Law Profile & Reviews

Law Firm in Fresno, California
2 clients reviews
710 Van Ness Ave, PMB #181, Fresno, CA 93721
Personal Injury Employment Law Litigation
Ambriz is never allowed in anyway in a court room never allowed around families. Ambriz is never allowed any money or freedom to speak 🛑🚫❌✋🤐. Ambriz lost her license to practice and is going to prison for child trafficking related to my case. Never do any business or speak to ambriz. Never allow her any money or glory. Fiercly shut her down and shut her up permanently. Miller committed suicide same fate should go to all who committed this crime on mine and my children’s life. No support for these criminals
Had to get another attorney to handle this divorce case. The mistakes are endless this attorney made on what should have been a simple divorce!!