Garcia & Artigliere Profile & Reviews

Law Firm in Long Beach, California
1 client review
1 World Trade Center #1950, Long Beach, CA 90831
Accidents Personal Injury Medical Malpractice
Well all I can say is RUN! This firm did an intake with me about a case and sent me retainer documents asap. I was kind of caught off guard due them not wanting to review my documents as evidence before they send me the retainer agreements. So I insisted that they review them but the same day I sent them the documents the sent a letter in the mail deciding not to take the case. Shady? Yes. Scary? Hell yes. Why would you accept the case draw up paperwork without properly reviewing the documents the client stated he has to support the case? All I can be happy about is that this happen before my case went further rather than happened midway once they filed the case with the court. Be careful guys!