Christine Gallagher Attorney At Law Profile & Reviews

Law Firm in Spokane, Washington
6 clients reviews
1821 W 5th Ave Suite 101, Spokane, WA 99201
Personal Injury Federal Employment Litigation
Great experience with this legal team! Got the results I wanted for a very reasonable price.
DO NOT HIRE THIS ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT YOU! ALL SHE IS GOOD AT IS TAKING YOUR MONEY!!! My friend’s daughter had this person as her attorney for nearly a year now and all Christine Gallagher is good at is continuing cases and milking her clients for money. For nearly a year now Christine Gallagher has literally done nothing except talk to the daughters mother on the phone, chit chatting about anything and everything and then charging $250 an hour for it! Not only that, while the daughter was in the hospital while under surgical narcotics and incoherent, Christine Gallagher got together with opposing counsel and had her client sign documents that gave her parental rights to the father – while in an incoherent state and where her capacity was seriously diminished. When the father of Christine Gallagher’s client spoke with her about this, she threw a fit like a child and threatened him. HE WAS FORCED TO FILE A BAR COMPLAINT WITH THE WASHINGTON STATE BAR ASSOCIATION FOR HER UNETHICAL CONDUCT. (PS. After reading the review by Tom Smith, I see that this isn’t the first time she has done this!)
If you have to take it to court she is the one you want on your side. Give her all the facts and you will have an amazing experience.